Had the pleasure of co-writing and producing this single with Arvid Nero, and Moonica Mac was kind enough to lend her one of a kind voice to it. 🙏 Give it a spin:

Had the pleasure of co-writing and producing this single with Arvid Nero, and Moonica Mac was kind enough to lend her one of a kind voice to it. 🙏 Give it a spin:
Another single release with the super talented young singer-songwriter. Check it out! ✨
It’s been a very busy year, both on a personal and a professional level, and I just realized I haven’t updated this website since June. Time is a jet plane, that’s for sure. But let me try to post the releases I’ve been involved in chronologically.
This is such a thrill! Right now Albin Lee Meldau and I have two versions of our song “Josefin” in the Norwegian Spotify top 10 – his very own and a beautifully adapted version by Norwegian singer/songwriter Delara! 💥🙏❤️
Co-written with Ida and produced by moi. Don’t miss out on this talented singer/songwriter! 😎