This is Chris’ third single off his upcoming album, due for release fall 2022. Written by Chris with Jamie Hartman and Nick Atkinson, produced by yours truly! ❤️

This is Chris’ third single off his upcoming album, due for release fall 2022. Written by Chris with Jamie Hartman and Nick Atkinson, produced by yours truly! ❤️
Sorry for being so bad at updating this web site lately. This year has been really busy so far with lots of exciting new releases. First off was Isak Danielson’s first single off his upcoming album “King of a tragedy”. Very proud about having co-written and produced this one! Isak surely is one of the most talented and exciting young artists that Sweden has to offer. 🙏🖤💥
Ooops… It’s been so busy lately and I just realized I forgot to post here about Björn Skifs’ Christmas album, which I had the incredible honour of co-writing and producing! It was released Nov 26 last year and it was very successful, with lots of airplay and a very rewarding #3 position in the Swedish charts (#2 in the physical charts). All songs were co-written with the amazing Sharon Vaughn, whose lyrics and singing I’m a huge fan of. We recorded at Baggpipe, the studio where Björn recorded his classic 70s album, and Björn’s band really did a great job making these songs come alive. Erik Arvinder helped me with the beautiful string arrangements. It’s not everday you get to record an album’s worth of material with your old childhood idol, but this time I really did! I’m proud of this record.
Check it out (even though it’s way past Christmas time):
First single off Isak’s upcoming album, “Good Things Come To Those Who Wait” was written by Isak and me. Produced by yours truly at Studio Brun. Such a bliss working with this extremely talented young Swedish artist. His voice… And his writing… ✨
Third single off Chris’ upcoming album, “Buried” was written by Chris, Jamie Hartman and Nick Atkins. Produced by me and recorded at the legendary Atlantis Metronome studio, where ABBA and many other Swedish acts have recorded their greatest work. ✨ Check it out!