Sorry for not making any updates lately! It’s been a busy fall, and I’d like to share the recent news with you. A while ago, we released 2nd single off Martin Rolinski’s upcoming Swedish-languaged album. It’s called “Tillsammans”… Spotify link below.
“Ja må du leva” platinum!
Darin: “Ja må du leva” gold!
Time for a little celebration… Darin’s new single has already gone gold! 😀
Martin Rolinski: “Hjältarnas År” out now!
Martin Rolinski, former member of BWO, releases his first single in Swedish. It’s called “Hjältarnas År” and was co-written by Martin, George Németh and yours truly. It’s a little hommage to all our musical heroes that passed away during 2016… Bowie, Prince, George Michael, Leonard Cohen to name a few.
On Spotify: Hjältarnas År
“Ja må du leva” – Acoustic Version out now!
Spotify users: Ja må du leva
Youtube clip: Ja må du leva