Chris Kläfford: “Headlights” out now!

Skrevs: 2023/02/19

Off to a great start of 2023, with a couple of new interesting releases. First… “Headlights”, with I co-wrote with Chris Kläfford and Scott Ritchie. Produced by yours truly. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do! 🔆

Live from Ingrid!

Skrevs: 2022/12/26

We made some live recordings of Albin’s SMB renditions. “Gör dig glad” features GRANT and “Segla på ett moln” features Arvid Nero. Drums: Andreas Dahlbäck. Bass: Jerker Odelholm. Guitars and backing vocals: me. Recording and mix engineered by Gustav Lindelöw.



Albin Lee Meldau: “Kyss!” out now!

Skrevs: 2022/12/26

This is Albin’s fourth and last rendition from this year’s edition of TV4’s “Så Mycket Bättre” show. The original was performed by Daniela Rathana and the new lyrics were written by Arvid Nero, Albin and me. 👻